Hey mama!

Here's a FREE Photo Recipe from Jules from Stories of Play that you can try yourself at home!

Limited brain power required, this juicy PDF inspiration bomb will get you dusting off your fancy camera and taking photos of your kids that you love, one pro tip at a time!

Your step by step Photo Recipe will be delivered straight to your inbox as soon as you click the button!

"Watch your children experience the joy of engaging in self-directed play while you have the time and space to truly enjoy this season of parenthood with your little ones..." — Jules

What's a Photo Recipe?

It’s basically a set of instructions (much like how a cooking recipe reads) thats takes you through a series of simple steps to create your own beautiful scene at home or out and about. Perfect to use while practising your own photo takin’ skills and when you need some inspiration or fun things to do with your kids while snappin!’

Download Stories of Play's Photo Recipe!

Cheering you on your photo-takin' journey!